Updating post from Reddit.
Hi guys,
We're looking to let our house to an agent to do all the work because we're moving abroad for 3 years min
We want to be totally hands off but our only hesitancy is any work that needs doing to the house. There aren't any issues but it is an old house
What i mean by that is, we know during the winter to keep the dehumidifier on over night especially with any damp clothes from the washing machine
And to keep the heating on quite a bit to warm it up
I'm afraid that tenants might not follow this or cause problems because I've seen some horror stories and I don't want that while I'm away.
One agent said they'll sort the work (maintenance) but we'll be charged ... I don't want that either, I want to be totally hands off and be able to come back to the home after the 3 years (unless we're staying longer)
Is this even possible? If it is, how does it work? Am I being unrealistic?
Should I just find a quick way to sell the house? 😢
So the items you listed are:
- keep the dehumidifier on over night especially with any damp clothes from the washing machine
- keep the heating on quite a bit to warm it up
- One agent said they'll sort the work (maintenance) but we'll be charged ... I don't want that either,
So points 1 and 2 are not possible, You cant dictate how much someone should spend on their electricity bill, will you be providing them funding to keep those on at the desired temp and duration? ALso some folk, like my brother prefer a colder house so they might not want the heating on to that extent.
3rd point i dont really understand. You want to be totally hands off but dont want the agent to arrange any maintenance, manage it and then bill you for it, what do you want?
I think it looks unrealistic, better off selling imo.
If you find an agency that will pay for your general maintenance/repairs please let me know 🤣
I think selling will be the best option for you, renting isn't always for the feint of heart and sounds like it will cause you stress. Especially if you plan to return to the house.
Yeah I think it will cause stress. I think we're being pretty naive when we thought we could just hand the keys over, get paid and come back to our home like it's an Airbnb
Thanks guys. Renting is very off putting
Unfortunately not, even when managed by an agent it's surprisingly involved.
All the best with your time abroad, hope you get the house sorted.
I let a flat out at the other end of the country and it’s been hands off since 2019.The agent found us a reliable tenant and deals with all the maintenance.Maintenance bills are deducted from the rent.Where there have been major repairs the agent emails us with quotes and gets agreement first.The flat belongs to a friend with dementia and the income goes towards his care home fees so selling wasn’t an option.It works but by the time we’ve paid tax on the income and paid the letting fees the return is not great.Also I know and trust the agent but there’s a lot of scope to be ripped off by an agent.