Updating post from Reddit.
I've just left my rental house after 2 years of renting. Property looked after and left in pristine condition. We had help moving from family members and when clearing the garden a few plastic plant pots and a watering can had been left in the shed. The shed contained numerous items when we arrived including pots so I we wrongly assumed they were already there. My landlord is now charging me £50 for these small items, £125 cleaning fee for some water marks on a sink and £120 for a broadband box he claims is missing which isn't listed on the inventory. I spent a day cleaning the house top to bottom, had the carpets professionally cleaned as per his request but stupidly didn't dust in between the radiator and left a small mark on another which was celotape residue. I feel this isn't fair and wondered am I allowed to request that I collect the items left so we don't get charged? The inventory stated 'good domestic clean' which is the same as our check-in so again I don't feel this is fair. Good to hear others thoughts/advice on this? It's a shame as our landlord left us without a shower for a month, rats infestation and access to our garden for 6 months due to rotting decking yet we still paid full rent.
Challenge all of that with the deposit protection scheme. Sounds like your landlord is taking the piss.
These situations are exactly what the dps is for.
Go the the deposit scheme and work with them.
Landlords at it
No it’s not fair, it’s the landlord trying it on. The deposit protection scheme will most likely see that the charges are disproportionate, definitely worth challenging.
Go through the deposit protection scheme.
I think you will be OK to be honest.
He hasn't got a leg to stand on regarding an item not on the inventory or a fee for moving plant pots. A water mark on a sink (!) also seems like unavoidable wear and tear. Go through the deposit scheme, I think you'll be OK.
As well as other stuff, our ex landlord is trying to claim for a new carpet and a whole house redecoration. After 7 years. It's criminal what they try to get away with!
Hoping the Tenancy Dispute team tell him to jog on...