Updating post from Reddit.
Liv Cooke is the deal sourcer and developer who is quite prominent on social media.
She mainly sells packages of BRR HMOs on social housing leases.
Probably another internet social media scammer they are in the market of selling training courses saying how they made money in property whilst in fact they make money from sucking in people to buy the course and usually there is no property business underneath it all.
Look up rent to rent this is a big one discussed daily on here.
Edit: Quick Google and yes the whole idea of social housing lease is a rent2rent scheme... You literally won't find many landlords who will pass a property over to you in order to start it off. Basically anyone buying her course is being scammed in my opinion.
Liv Cooke is a property investor that uses OPM to build her wealth and investments. OPM stands for "Other Peoples Money". That means your money, not hers. I'd skip Liv Cooke and do it yourself.
>quite prominent on social media
This is the deal breaker.
Run far, far away.