Updating post from Reddit.
I'm looking to regain possession of a flat I own. Thankfully tenants have been paying throughout the eviction process (very fortunate, I know) I'm wondering if anyone could share how long they had to wait to get an appointment with the County Court bailiffs in London
My timelines are as follow;
Sep 2024 - S21 issued
Dec 2024 - Application to county court (Croydon) - Accelerate Possession
Jan 2025 - Possession order granted
12th Feb 2025 - Warrant issued
I understand that now it is simply a waiting game, and I've heard varying timelines online for county court bailiff appointments from 3-9 months. Has anyone been through this process recently, and how long did you have to wait to get an appointment with the county court bailiffs.
Is it too late at this point to request enforcement/Transfer to the High courts?
Any advice or timelines would be much appreciated
If tenant has been reasonable enough to pay, why have they not been reasonable enough to leave?
Exactly. It’s weird.
I've not increased the rent for the past 4 years so they've been below market value for the flat since moving in. They are struggling to find anywhere for a comparable price and have gone down the social housing/council route. I imagine the council has advised them to stay put as long as possible. But yes, it's a strange situation
Why didn’t you put the rent up?
Why go right to kicking them out?
Hi there, I’m in East London and was granted our warrant in October, received a date in Feb for an eviction date in April. We issued our S21 in Jan 2024 and received our possession order in July 2024 so it seems like yours is going a little quicker than mine did which is good. The courts and bailiffs lost our applications (twice!) so I would regularly ring the centralised number (03001235577) just to keep on top of things. Wishing you the best of luck!
Great, thanks for the reply. I guess it's just a waiting game now. I have tried phoning the centralised number asking for an update, but I have found that they are not very helpful at all, as they keep telling me they cannot provide an update on the case!
Yes unfortunately it was the same for us. Painfully annoying process, all I can say is keep persevering and if it gets to May with no date provided yet and no further help from calling the phone number, fill in a complaint form in the link below. It took a month to hear back but that really got the ball moving considering we had been waiting so long.
Good luck with it all, hope it’s speedy for you