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Posted by s_ch0wder 2 weeks ago
What steps do I need to take next when neither property manager or tenant are cleaning damp?

Sorry if this is elementary stuff, but I have seen in the past three quarterly reports sent over from property management that there are areas of black mould that are getting worse but not getting cleaned off in the kitchen and bathroom. I have asked the property manager to speak to the tenants about it but nothing has been done, in fact, she replied to my email saying it didn't come up in the last report when it did. I said this and asked to advise what needs to be done next as the tenants are clearly not taking the advice to ventilate or even clean it off. Do I need to add something in there to help? I'm a little annoyed as I would rather have sorted this sooner if that was the case before it got worse but I thought perhaps naively that the tenants would try and clean this off.

Posted by Justsomerandomguy35 2 weeks ago

Get new agents….btw it’s not their job to clean they can arrange for someone to come in and clean, speak to the tenants yourself, get pictures - it may be your fault that needs remedying eg external/internal leak in wall or send guide to tenants on how to clean. If not getting cleaned still then s21.

If minor damp problem provide them with a dehumidifier or install vents if needed. Or hire a cleaner to go in periodically

Posted by Ok_Entry_337 1 week ago

Tenant fails to remove black mould > landlord/agent fails to offer advice > tenant evicted. Really?

Posted by oldvlognewtricks 1 week ago

‘No fault’ means never having to sort out your processes.

Posted by Ok_Entry_337 1 week ago

You can’t clean damp. The fact you used those two words in the same sentence demonstrates you don’t understand condensation. Still you’re here asking for advice, so fair enough. Condensation can be a tenant responsibility but in a bathroom is probably yours.

If you have black mould in a bathroom the first thing I’d be asking is about ventilation. Do you have an extractor in there? Is it working? Is it effective.
