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Posted by ValuablePlus337 2 weeks ago
Bills in newly purchased rental property

Hi all. I’ve just purchased a property and I am due to complete on this property on Friday. I already have tenants lined up to move into the property however some work needs doing prior to this.

I estimate the house will be without tenants for around a month, possibly over.

As this is my first rental property I don’t know how to go about setting up payment of utility bills for this interim period… I don’t want to contact an energy supplier and get tied into a contract with them when it will be my tenants responsibility to pay his utilities once he’s moved in, and he may not wish to be with a supplier I have chosen.

How do I go about paying this interim period? Will I have to do this with the previous suppliers or do energy companies work slightly differently for landlords/rental properties?

Posted by Drino8 2 weeks ago

Provide a meter reading to current supplier. Advise you are the landlord and it’s a temporary situation. Get tenants to update them once they move in. You can also contact them yourself and send a copy of the tenancy agreement.

The interim rates will be a bit higher, but as you aren’t living there, it shouldn’t cost too much. Depending on the work needed etc.

Posted by dapper_1 2 weeks ago

Get meter reading on completion as per normal when purchasing property. You will receive letters from the relevant companies in a few days. Explain situation and pay as they ask. Also check your council tax, some offer 1 month or more free council tax when renovating.
