Updating post from Reddit.
Boiler had stopped working on monday informed landlord and he arranged engineer for Wednesday. The engineer came and said this boilers gone need replacing and he informed the landlord. I would like to know what time frame is acceptable for it to be fixed? Please advise
Depends if the Landlord can find a person to replace it. Sometimes its about availability of service.
Also a boiler.
Generally takes 2 days to install. Especially if old one has tank.
Yes I asked the engineer who came to check he said he just put one recently and he said can do it in a day. It's a in a cupboard old combi.
Thats good.
Two days for a boiler? British Gas replaced my mums boiler in one day and that included a consumer board change
Well octopus energy did my in 5 seconds and they did it the day before I asked
Doesn’t mean it was done right though 🤣
It's take only a day, the engineer that came round said half a day it takes to replace a new one, afew engineer I have spoken to said the same.
Depends - for a system boiler , water damage / leak and a new cylinder took just over 2 days for mine. Decent local company, well reviewed so don't think they took the piss either. Simple combi boiler vs bigger jobs can drag it out a bit.
My mums was an old style boiler. New pump the works. Really good guys though and 3 of them
But it was a house with full access to the boiler and zero access issues
You’re in a fortunate position the landlord is fairly quick to react. Some people could be out for a week or two. Busy time of year too.
Finding someone isn't an issue, the landlord arranged an engineer and he come to check the boiler, the agent spoke to him about his availability and how long it takes, he said hes is available next week, agent said he will speak to landlord and then not heard anything. I have also phoned about and there are engineers that are available don't thinks that an issue. plus how is one supposed to survive no waters freezing
Make do. Easily done. What would you do if you were at your own house? Landlord can only go as quickly as they can. They are not going to just pick a random gas man to do it they have people they trust to do it who are on the books.
Disagree, as he chose an engineer and he asked him gor availability he said he can do next week so that's not issue
Disagree all you want that’s the renting game for you.
"That's the renting game for you" is exactly why we're getting tighter regulations.
If it was my house and they had availability I'd be booking them there and then. And if it was my tenants I'd be instructing the agent to do the same. I certainly wouldn't want to be without heating for an unspecified period of time in winter.
I pay an agent so they can deal with these thing and that way the tenants aren't left an unreasonably long period.
That’s not the worst landlord. Sounds like they have a plan and it’s possibly a resource issue. It could be a lot worse.
It's not if a person has health issues maybe that's you are I've thankfully not had that experience when renting
Do you have health issues? You asked and people have answered. If your own houses heating failed you would use temporary heaters.
Hot water is a pain to do without but do what you can.
You only have one side of the story. The landlord might use one company for repairs and another for installations.
I appreciate it and understand, and I am trying to do my best I just wanted some advice and guidance to how to deal and go about it and what as a tenant I can I do, yes I do have health issue I don't really want to write my business as its personal, but I have to keep clean as don't want aggravate it. But thanks for comment.
Your landlord needs to provide you with heating if it is cold outside. This could be in the form of temporary electric heaters if it takes a while to complete repairs or replacement due to installer/part availability.
It is cold, but am just waiting to hear from him for update. Hopefully will be soon.
Boil a kettle for hot water and ask the agency/LL for temporary electric heaters.
Boiler a kettle for water for a bath, that's crazy how do ppl are you supposed to keep your self clean
You flannel wash, like they did in the olden days.
Some folk, huh? Need to start thinking outside the bath.
Paying exorbitant rent just to be forced to flannel wash lol
Hot showers on demand are still a relatively new home comfort. Probably became more widespread during the mid to late 80s. I remember we had one of those that you just stick over the taps for a while before mixer taps started popping up. Exorbitant rent is not a new thing though.
It can take a week or three. The plumber has to schedule the job. Parts and new boiler need to be specified and ordered, etc.
Mine went down Thursady night.
Agent was informed Friday, Engineer visited Friday, boiler was condemned. All being well the replacement will be fitted Tuesday. Fingers crossed.
That's amazing positive new and from some experiencing similar situation who understands, I hope and pray it all goes well
Our tennants reported a fault Wednesday day I visited to see if it was trivial Wednesday evening, gas man condemned it Thursday and replaced it Friday
That's brilliant, your obviously on top if it all which is genuinely amazing to hear, thanks for the positive news 😀
Well that depends on the situation.
Looks like the landlord trying his best, do you have showers at work? Gym? Friends and family for a couple of days?
Yes am sure he is I haven't heard anything from him yet since the engineer came, would be nice just to kindly give me update an update, i am very understanding, but dont want to be taken advantage of and no I don't have anyone close by. But hopefully will be sorted thanks for message.
Fair enough, hope it all works out for you 👍
Thanks appreciated