Updating post from Reddit.
I found an ad through FB which looked too good to be true but decided to send a message. I've talked to the owner of the studio flat who gave me pictures and a video but told me it's not possible to make in person inspection as she has moved away to Liverpool. I have been given the owners passport photo and a tenancy agreement.
"Upon accepting tenancy terms, a deposit of 1 month rent is required to secure the flat and this will go towards the first month's rent from the date of moving into the flat, the transfer of the deposit will be required after a separate agreement for the deposit has been signed by both parties, and a receipt will be issued for the payment made to secure the flat."
I haven't sent any money yet. Is this a scam?
EDIT: thank you for the replies and the advice!
Call the bluff. Tell them you’re in Liverpool for the next two weeks and would like to meet in person. See what excuse they come up with next. There will always be something
The phrase you're looking for is too good to be true but then you've already said it. Anytime that seems like it then trust your initial intuition.
Second is the absolutely massive red flag of you can't view the flat.
It's a common scam. You will never get the money back.
Scam. Do not send money unless you have an in person contact that can show you the property.
How are you gonna get the keys, they aren't gonna send them in the post are they 😂
This is her reply: "Regarding the meeting with your relative, I am not currently living in the flat and can not meet with your representative because I will not be travelling twice for the viewing and due to recent refurbishments, I would only hand the keys to the actual occupant after an inventory check has been done during the viewing in order for him/her to take full responsibility for any missing items during the tenancy.
Attached is the copy of the tenancy agreement and my proof of identity for your review, I will need your full name in order for my custodian to prepare the separate agreement for deposit which will be signed along with the payment of the deposit."
The biggest load of bullshit I've ever read. The language is a dead giveaway.
Don't be insane! This has scam written all over it. With any advertised property for rent, you must post your landlord registration number. It's illegal not to.
No one who lets a house uses this sort of language
No landlord sends their passport details, even if your tenant asking for it is david beckham
Don’t do it kid
Check the land registry and make sure the named landlord is the actual owner.
Knock the door. The current resident will tell you for sure!
Scam. No landlord is giving you the keys to their property without them or their agency even having met you.
So sad that scams are everywhere. They know the rental market is crap at the moment and people are desperate so they are dismissing red flags
That's not really true.
It really is true. But I’ll wait for you to explain your position more
It's definitely possible to arrange everything without meeting in person. That's what credit checks, employment checks and right to rent checks are for.
And you have seen this happen? Because frankly I think you’re making this up
Yes, with me as the tenant. I've been a lodger twice and agreed to two ASTs with estate agents without any in-person meetings.
So a local estate agent that’s responsible for the property did everything without even seeing your face? And you got the keys how?
It makes literally no sense that this would happen given they need to be local to carry out visits and care of the property.
Maybe it’s something live in landlords do with lodgers because they are there to monitor things but as far as rentals go I’ve been involved in the rental industry for a very long time on both sides of the fence and I’ve never so much as heard of this let alone witnessed it
Yeah, but I wasn't local and I couldn't travel that far just for viewing. Obviously I went to their office to pick up the key and show my passport.
How do you think people move across country or between countries? You just arrange everything online.
Yes but that’s the tenant initiating that and they got to see you before move in.
The landlord isn’t moving across the country. If the landlord lives across the country the tenancy isn’t dealt with by him it’s by an agency.
Any advert purporting otherwise from the side of the landlord is 100% a scam.
I live in new Zealand and have been renting my London flat out for 5 years on medium term lets, self managed. I haven't met any of the tenants in person. The flat has a smartlock that you use with an app.
I'm not suggesting that this is not a scam though.
And what does the prospective tenant have at their disposal to do the reverse check?
>An Ad through Facebook.
Scam. Whatever it is. Scam.
100% scam, and a common one at that. Report to FB too.
having to ask if something is a scam usually = Scam.
Stop interacting with this person.
Scam, very common
It's a scam.
This is 100% a scam.
Never accept without viewing the place.
Also, that is not how deposits work. A deposit to secure the flat is known as a holding deposit and is capped at 1 weeks rent. This is a scam
Everything on Facebook, lettings wise is a scam
Bet you you're unknowingly talking to a guy in India...
Yes, it's a scam.
This is a very common scam!
Post a link and we'll all have a little play along, posing as potential tenants.....
Yes a proper scam. Stay well away as you have already said to be good to be true.
“Looked too good to be true”
Then it is.
Such an old scam.
Joe Lycett did a joke about this scam a number of years ago.
It was very funny.
You can see it here:
Joe Lycett did a joke about this scam a number of years ago.
It was very funny.
You can see it here: