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Posted by Icy_Reception9719 16 hours ago
Reeves spares landlords and second homeowners from capital gains tax raid
Posted by patelbadboy2006 15 hours ago

To be honest.

If you want less rentals and more home owners, make CGT 0% on selling a property.

You will see a flood of properties on the market.

I have a few properties I make nothing or next to nothing a year due to mortgage and maintenance that I rather just sell, but don't because of the CGT.

Posted by Manoj109 13 hours ago

Sometimes you have to suck it up, I am taking the hit and getting out.

Posted by patelbadboy2006 12 hours ago

Yes i have thought about it, but the profit from the property, can't use to buy another not even close, so doesnt make sense in that sense

Posted by Manoj109 6 hours ago

I get what you are saying.

What some people do is to use some of the proceeds to top up SIPPs and get the 40% or 20% tax breaks , so you can claw back some of the cgt via pension contributions.

Posted by phlipout22 9 hours ago

If you're paying CGT it means you still have a profit of some sort. Get out of property and stick the equity in an index fund. Nowadays you'd do better

Posted by TheStonedEdge 12 hours ago

But your asset is accumulating value?

Posted by patelbadboy2006 12 hours ago

Thats the reason i have kept hold it for so long.

Posted by TheStonedEdge 12 hours ago

So you're not making nothing or next to nothing?

Posted by GT_Running 8 hours ago

I think a deal would help people exit and enter home ownership.

How about sell to your tenant for 0% capital gain. I could offer a decent discount.

Posted by patelbadboy2006 8 hours ago


Tenant even wants to buy it, but the CGT from purchase price +refurb cost to sale price will basically break even.

Already claimed tax relief on the renovations in previous tax years.

Posted by PoutineRoutine46 8 hours ago

This was the tories idea. They reduced it and more properties were sold. Liebour are fucking stupid.

Posted by IamBeingSarcasticFfs 13 hours ago

If you are disposing of a business then you can claim entrepreneurial relief and only pay 10%

We did it with an air BnB, but check with an accountant.

Posted by patelbadboy2006 12 hours ago

It would only be a couple from a larger portfolio that i would sell, as the area is high end without the high end rent.

Posted by IamBeingSarcasticFfs 12 hours ago

Ah, no dodging it then.

Posted by DegenerateWins 16 hours ago

Makes sense really. If the goal of Labour is to get more property into the hands of owner occupiers, why make people less likely to do what you want (sell).

Posted by DingoFlaky7602 14 hours ago

This only works if they tax income from rent to death, and then you're only really going to see "why are they coming after a small guy like me with just 5,10,20 properties. Go after the big guys...."

Posted by Beautiful_Bad333 15 hours ago

The problem is if there’s a mass exodus of landlords then them people will never be able to buy because their rents will increase even more due to lack of supply and that’ll only increase the housing issues.

The way to get more property into the hands of people who want to buy their own home is to help landlords to invest in new estates with criteria/amount of homes going to affordable housing and first time buyers. Without private investment there will be no extra house building. So if property is disincentivised as an investment then it’ll have negative effects on the market for owner occupiers.

Posted by Away-Highlight7810 15 hours ago

"The way to get more property into the hands of people who want to buy their own home is to help landlords"


Posted by dyltheflash 15 hours ago

Honestly, this thread is hilarious.

Posted by Minute_Recording_372 15 hours ago

That's the most backwards ass take I've yet seen. Bravo sir.

Posted by uklandlords-ModTeam 11 hours ago

Please Keep it Civil

Posted by DegenerateWins 13 hours ago

There won’t be a mass exodus of landlords due to not changing cap gains tax

Posted by thewindypops 14 hours ago

Where does the house go if a landlord sells up, if not on the property market as either a house for sale or a rental?

Posted by DegenerateWins 13 hours ago

Rentals are lived in more densely.

Posted by Substantial_Dot7311 12 hours ago

That’s true renters tend not to have spare rooms and studies etc there is data on this somewhere

Posted by thewindypops 13 hours ago

Sorry, I don't understand your reply.

If a 2 up 2 down property was leased, the landlord sells - either to another landlord or a homeowner, the property is still there. The previous poster was suggesting that the supply disappears when a landlord sells.

Posted by DegenerateWins 3 hours ago

Literally no one has ever suggested that the property disappears, to suggest that is not honest.

Rental properties are lived in more densely, as in, more people, on average, live in rentals than owner occupied. Go and find a data source you personally trust and then find their data on this. The data will back this up as fact, because it is just that, fact. Your made up example of a house being rented or not isn’t big enough thinking, you need to zoom out. You aren’t looking at one house, you are looking at millions.

If a rental becomes an owner occupied data shows us that if this is done, let’s say 100,000 times over the country, less people will live in those 100,000 houses after the sale than before. Therefore, the number of rentals has gone down less than the amount of rental demand. When supply goes down less than demand goes down, prices go up.

The post you are replying to says if rents go up, people will find it harder to buy.

Posted by phpadam 11 hours ago

> if not on the property market as either a house for sale or a rental?

The property market is a vague term, you have the ownership market and the rental market. You can move properties from one or the other and it has negative or posative effects in each market.

Whats to be remembered is the actors in each market are not the same actors. Every landlord selling up, does not mean every tenant comes a homeowner.

It will make it easier for the "top few" tenants, but most are just homeless.

Posted by thewindypops 11 hours ago

Thanks for clarifying. Learning new things every day!

Posted by PoutineRoutine46 8 hours ago

They didn't 'spare' anyone. They just had it explained to them that their idea was fucking stupid and they'd end up actually losing money.

God help us

Posted by Russian_bot- 11 hours ago

Fingers crossed my landlord sells the place I'm renting to me

Posted by Fluffy_Cantaloupe_18 15 hours ago

That’s because most of the cabinet are landlords and second home owners

Protecting themselves

Posted by SlaveToNoTrend 14 hours ago

It's weird, actions are taken that on the face of things appears like a step in the right direction, but in reality it harms us all.

So property may transfer between landlords and homeowners, but rents will go up, demand for buying property will go up, so higher rental and property prices, further damage to our cost of living.

Posted by DistancePractical239 14 hours ago

Get rid of planning laws I want to build a block in my massive long garden.

Posted by phpadam 16 hours ago
Posted by Minute_Recording_372 14 hours ago

Honestly so disgusting I have no words. The only way to give homes to the people is to disincentive home ownership as being an investment product. Nothing else will work. On our best day we won't be able to build homes fast enough to meet demand with all our house builders firing on all cylinders. Not without steps being taken to free up already existing homes from the clutches of landbarons and investment corps.

What this also means is a CGT raid, inevitably, on business owners as they are the only piece still on the board given that literally every other class of person has now been exempted. Business owners WORK for their gains, but yeah, let's go ahead and saddle them with the tax burden to fill this 20 bil hole and leave the layabout inheritance class alone! Not even a business owner but it's still true.

Posted by CaptainSeitan 12 hours ago

There is the flip, that less investment properties equals less private properties to rent and rents rise, we have experienced that and are now paying a very high rent for a pretty average house just because so many landlords have pulled out in the area already, unfortunately the corporate landlords BTL properties don't meet our requirements some are stuck to fight over what little private properties are left. Whilst we do want to buy a house, there will always be situations where people will need to rent for points of their life.

Posted by NeighborhoodFar1305 15 hours ago

Punish pensioners and not people with second properties or buy to let's, what the fuck happened to the labour party

Posted by chingness 15 hours ago

Means tested benefits isn’t punishing pensioners

Posted by NeighborhoodFar1305 3 hours ago

The means testing barrier was so ridiculously low, plenty of other way to go about this without massively impacting people this winter. Why not reduce the amount if two claimants live at the same address? Last time I checked heating a place with 2 pensioners costs the same as heating the house for one.

I've said this in other posts, people dont even understand how the state pension works, if I retire next monday and im eligible to claim state pension, I get £3000 a year more than someone that retired in 2011. The 2011 pensioner and me are paying the same prices for EVERYTHING.

Posted by ProjectZeus4000 15 hours ago


Posted by spacetimebear 15 hours ago

I feel bad for pensioners that really need it but every pensioner I've met just refers to it as the "holiday fund" so shrug

Posted by NeighborhoodFar1305 14 hours ago

Plenty that really need it and now won't get it, no time to plan to cover those costs either, all with energy bills rising. Let the land lords and 2 home owners feast, unbelievable . no wonder they polling worse than the Tories.

Posted by ProjectZeus4000 13 hours ago

That's not being pushed though is it. 

The eastern leg of HS2 was crapped smdie to costs. It wasn't to "punish" people from Nottingham and Sheffield 

Posted by NeighborhoodFar1305 3 hours ago

Punish is the wring word, it negativity impact people

Posted by NeighborhoodFar1305 14 hours ago

Plenty in need lost out, paying the highest energy prices in Europe too

Posted by phpadam 11 hours ago

The perception of the Labour Party is different from the reality of the Labour Party for years, dont worry their marketing will kill this realisation next election.
