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Posted by blizeH 14 hours ago
Offering tenants money to leave so we can qualify for ECO4 grants?

Hi, our tenants are unhappy with the storage heaters in the property and I probably would be too. We're currently looking at spending ~£5k on a new heating system (likely either A2A or A2W heat pumps) but if we had a tenant in who was on benefits, we could get that for free along with insulation etc too.

Has anyone in a similar position offered to pay off tenants to leave? How was your experience if so? Thank you

Posted by Slipper1981 13 hours ago

First question is when does the tenancy end and do they plan to stay longer? Once the fixed term is up you could always evict them.

But why can’t you do the work with these tenants? The loss rent and bills you’d be paying when vacant can quickly add up and could surpass £5k if you have delays to the project.

Posted by mightbegood2day 13 hours ago

Great advice

Posted by SilverLordLaz 13 hours ago

This is a complete arsehole move!

Posted by phpadam 12 hours ago


Posted by Prize_Mycologist1870 11 hours ago

But possibly cost saving.

Posted by SilverLordLaz 10 hours ago

Well that's OK then


Posted by towelie111 13 hours ago

Have you got good tenants, who pay and look after the place? And your wanting to risk new tenants on benefits who wouldn’t pass affordability checks in order to get a grant? Sounds foolish to me. Are you sure you could get it for free? A lot of these government grants look like they cover the full cost, then you realise you have to use an approved contractor on their list that charges more than most others do you still pay something. Personally, I’d leave the tenants in situ. They should have known at the start of tenancy that it was storage heaters. Let them leave if their own accord if they become really unhappy about it. Personally, if I was the tenant I’d accept nothing less than the rent I’d be expected to pay for the remaining lease as a payment to move out. Moving house is stressful, I wouldn’t do it for cheap just so you can claim a grant.

Posted by Slightly_Effective 13 hours ago

To then evict the tenants on benefit.

Posted by damebabyz56 12 hours ago

Yes this is probably exactly what will happen. It's disgusting behaviour of a landlord to think about kicking out good tenants to get money because they get a grant if they have a tenant on benefits.

Posted by 3Cogs 11 hours ago

Not kicking out, offering cash for keys.

Posted by Slightly_Effective 9 hours ago

No, that's the existing tenants you're thinking of. I'm predicting what would happen to the second set, those on benefits. Not sure they'd be so incentivised. Any cash provided towards tenants would reduce the value of the OP's 'cunning' plan to profit from grant money.

Posted by damebabyz56 6 hours ago

So, how much do you think existing tenants would want? Lol.. and how much are you willing to give the second set when they find out you've used them for your own benefit. And yes, they will probably find out because you'll be needing their proof of benefit and maybe a signature (i had our private property's insulation done when I was on benefits so I know this) what happens when you've had the money and want them out only for them to decide they've done you a favour so nope not leaving..I'll tell'll be an absolute shit show

Posted by 3Cogs 6 hours ago

I didn't address any of those points, just noted the difference between kicking someone out and making them an offer to leave voluntarily.

Posted by damebabyz56 5 hours ago

It's fine to voluntarily offer, but what happens if they say no?? As for the second set most people don't like to be used for money

Posted by 3Cogs 5 hours ago

No idea, I'm not defending the idea, just saying it isn't the same as kicking someone out.

Posted by gandalfian 10 hours ago

The ECO4 route can be quite a bruising experience. Lots of middle men, not much control over the installer or how they put it in. Then you are reponsible for making whatever they shove in work for the rest of time. Plus redecorating and putting right any damage. If they want to put in internal wall insulation you may have to redecorate the entire house and risk damp problems. But yes its possible to get solar panels, insulation and heatpumps at no cost, you can't guarantee you will qualify and get the funding mind. It might be better to get the £7500 grant and have it done properly. If you get tenants earning under £30000 a year will they have enough money to continuously run a heat pump, pay the rent and look after the house? These grants are generally tantalisingly out of reach.

Posted by b1tchlasagna 7 hours ago

They should have the money for that if it's installed properly tbh

Given there's £15K of government money, they can also pop some solar panels on the the roof too.

But yes, eco4 grants are really difficult to get and you'd probably need to get someone to rectify some of the work too tbh. But if they could get central heating out of that eco 4 grant, that's decent given installers can't really screw that up

The heat pump bit is where they get a £7.5K grant anyway. If you go to you can see people who have the best SCOPs. You can also check out your local "heat geek"

If done properly, a heat pump should either be no more expensive than a gas boiler and possibly even cheaper tbh. Though when they're getting central heating via an eco4 grant, it'd be good for the landlord to pay for bigger radiators and/or underfloor heating instead.

Posted by PoutineRoutine46 13 hours ago

you may need to guarantee them a good reference too

Posted by HenryHoover13 13 hours ago

In a nutshell, you want your current tenants to leave so you can get new tenants in who are on benefits to obtain a freebie from the government?

Posted by TravelOwn4386 13 hours ago

Which is immoral but completely okay to do. Loophole in the system but landlords will be hated and shut down for saying it when government are the ones with the power to shut the loophole. This is what happens when incentives to take on benefit ls outweigh the benefits of having a non benefit tenant. Will see a lot more of this happen closer to the energy minimum band being rolled out.

Posted by TheStonedEdge 12 hours ago

Immoral but completely okay to do? Square that circle please

Posted by TravelOwn4386 12 hours ago

In that its not illegal

Posted by TheStonedEdge 11 hours ago

Just because it's legal doesn't make it okay

Posted by TravelOwn4386 11 hours ago

It is immoral like I said the 'okay' was just the wrong word but it is legal.

Posted by phpadam 12 hours ago

I hope you expect some nasty replies u/blizeH.

It can make business sense to house tenants who are eligible for government grants. Evicting tenants to accommodate them is not desirable. Additionally, dealing with vacant periods and the costs of remarketing can be expensive. Moreover, housing individuals with lower income levels increases the risk of default.

Alas, the government is launching a new scheme. Here is some early info on the next generation of the insulation grants. They are doing this as Labour plans to require an EPC by C by 2030 (earlier for mortgaged landlords) and are launching a new EPC system of calculation.

Landlords will be handed grants of up to £15,000 to cover the cost of Labour’s new EPC targets – but only if they let to low-income tenants that either live in certain impoverished areas, receive means-tested benefits, or earn less than £36,000.

Posted by b1tchlasagna 12 hours ago

u/blizeH If you are going the heat pump route, I'd highly recommend a "heat geek" and/or looking here too

Then choose the person with the best SCOP near you. The guy I'll go with isn't a heat geek but he's got really good SCOPs. If you're getting eco4 upgrades, you might also get solar + storage too? Which would be quite nice

Also are you sure you can get eco4 grants? You have to have a property that's below a D in EPC AND you have to not have central heating (though it seems you don't have central heating here)

Posted by AdFormal8116 12 hours ago

I rent only to housing - how would I get the upgrade for free ?

Posted by old-is-gold638 11 hours ago

Amazes me how cheap some landlords are. Gives us all a bad rep

Posted by chabybaloo 6 hours ago

Don't lose your tenants, figure out how much they would save, increase the rent a bit to cover this saving. Install the new system. Take into account the loss you will make in the void period and agent fees.

Posted by WxxTX 5 hours ago

Far simpler to just install 1-2 modern high heat storage heaters.

Posted by ralaman 5 hours ago


Posted by Lopsided_Soup_3533 10 hours ago

Like it's not hard enough the relationship between landlords and those on benefits. People don't want to rent to us but you OP are happy to use them cos it benefits you. Like I'm sure there's a good business argument a d I certainly do see your rationale but from my side of the aisle it's gross.

Posted by Honest_Liar_69 2 hours ago

Typical uk landlord shit. Ethics? That’s not a word
