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Posted by ministerofenjoyment 4 weeks ago
Tenant in arrears and renting out property on Airbnb

Link to original post attached.

Hi all, we were contacted by a loan consolidator about one of the tenants in 1 of the 2 properties. Supposedly she is a vulnerable person who has lots of loans and this is why she has refused to pay rent and also has also accrued +£5,000 in rent arrears. The objective of the call was to set up a repayment plan. We asked the mediator to allow us to consider it. As we were unsure if what the tenant was saying was true as she has avoided communication with her for the past year, we investigated and found out she actually sublets 1 of the rooms and also lists the other 2 rooms out on airbnb. Furthermore, we found out through a third party thag she doesn't even live in the property, has actually had the properly on airbnb for the past 5 years, and pays the money into her pension or spends it on expensive clothes (she doesnt know that we know). At this point, my sister and I are furious as my parents (the landlords) have been working past retirement because of this situation. We are already planning to take legal action via small claims court but wondering how to get her out of the property ASAP.

Posted by BeachInside3816 4 weeks ago

Rent the place out on AirBnB , change the locks and refuse to move out 🤣

Posted by dapper_1 4 weeks ago

yeah thats a great idea, police come show deeds, they will say civil matter and they will fuck off

Posted by ministerofenjoyment 4 weeks ago

We're seriously considering this now at this point as we want the property back ASAP. Is there anyway this could back fire? And will it affect our ability to take her to small claims for the rent arrears?

Posted by phpadam 4 weeks ago

>seriously considering this

Seriosly concider talking to solicitor prior and having them ready to step in if required.

Posted by Hour_Ask1109 3 weeks ago

Don't worry about the £5000 now, worry about avoiding that £5000 turning into £6000

Posted by kojak488 3 weeks ago

Yes it could backfire. It's illegal. It's not civil. You'll get done for harassment. You can't even have your mates do it because you can't have an agent of yours harass a tenant either.

Is a chancer liable to get the police involved is a separate question. Regardless, doing this is 100% illegal.

Posted by Downtown-Grab-767 4 weeks ago


Posted by Desert_Lawyer 4 weeks ago

Typically an assured short hold tenancy requires the tenant to live in the property as their principal home. If not, you should be able to change the locks. Obviously obtain legal advice on this

Posted by phpadam 4 weeks ago

The proper way to do it is to gather all the information and issue a Section 8 notice under Ground 12 breached any of the terms listed in the tenancy agreement.

You could also use Ground 8 and/or Ground 10 and/or Ground 11 for rent arrears.

Talk to a Solicitor.

I would not be entertaining any "loan consolidator", you never provided a loan. You provide housing for money. No money? No housing. The only time i'd talk to them is after the CCJ for recovery of moneies.

Posted by Hirogen10 4 weeks ago

Tell Air B and B can you sue them?

Posted by ministerofenjoyment 4 weeks ago

We will take her to small claims court to recover the rent arrears as the amount is under £10k. We will also serve section 21 and section 8 simultaneously, However, we do not know if we can do anything else beyond that regarding the airbnb listing, even though she had made 5 years of profit from it.

Posted by Hirogen10 4 weeks ago

Honestly I wouldnt bother she will just say something like she can pay you 10 pound a week or 10 pound a month or something absurd, take the loss and move on. This is probably the sad part of being a landlord, non intrusive and laid back is that most of them get ripped of for either being to light on the rates or the tenant taking them for a ride in the many methods, Sad.

Posted by EwanWhoseArmy 3 weeks ago

You could instruct bailiffs who may get a chance at seizing some of the crap she has spent the air b and b on

Posted by Competitive-Belt-182 4 weeks ago

Just do the Airbnb thing and get your property back that is priority. Then consider your options after that

Posted by ministerofenjoyment 4 weeks ago

We're seriously considering this now at this point as we want the property back ASAP. Is there anyway this could back fire? And will it affect our ability to take her to small claims for the rent arrears?

Posted by Competitive-Belt-182 4 weeks ago

To be honest I’m not 100% sure! But hopefully someone can answer your question. but if I was in your position I would count that rent arrears as a loss for now and anything you get back is a bonus. I would get the property back asap and hopefully it’s not in a bad condition so you can start earning on it again

Posted by ministerofenjoyment 4 weeks ago

Definitely agree with the getting the property back asap. We cannot afford to wait 50 weeks for a small claims court

Posted by Lit-Up 4 weeks ago

Join the NRLA and send this question over to their team.

Posted by coldharbour1986 3 weeks ago

Just to be clear, you're parents haven't retired if they are going to act as landlords. It's not just a magic money printing wheeze, you will always have things that need doing. If they want a quiet life then sell up.

Posted by ralaman 3 weeks ago

What on earth are you talking about

Posted by PM-me-Gophers 3 weeks ago

They're saying landlording is a job - as in it isn't just a "kick up your feet and relax" situation.

Posted by coldharbour1986 3 weeks ago

If you are actively managing a property you own, you can't just sit back and watch money roll into your bank account you will have to engage with it and do work.. If you can't handle that, which OP's parents clearly can't, then they need to either sell up, or have it properly managed, but even then it's still likely to periodically be a stress/drama.

Posted by Hour_Ask1109 3 weeks ago

Just change locks now. They've had more than enough warnings

Posted by TheGeffez 3 weeks ago

Haha what a legend. Maybe your parent’s retirement plan shouldn’t have revolved around denying home ownership to others.

Posted by randomeusername6783 3 weeks ago


Posted by Acceptable_Sock_7312 3 weeks ago


Posted by Hour_Ask1109 3 weeks ago

Locks will be changed and tenants will start crying 😂😂😂

Posted by EwanWhoseArmy 3 weeks ago

Typical rrr/fuckcars user

Posted by uklandlords-ModTeam 3 weeks ago

This is a community for Landlords. You can be anti-landlord in other places like /r/HousingUK/
